I noticed after a number of recordings that the settings for my recording device was at 75%. Is there a way to expand/normalize the recordings so that the peaks are at 0db?
You can use normalization to boost the overall peak amplitude (volume) to 0.0dBFS or below in Sound Forge' Processmenu, A peak normalizer will not compress or change the dynamic range, it will just raise (or lower) the file's entire amplitude, An RMS normalizer can affect the dynamic range similar to a compressor/limiter. Sound Forge Pro has both, Audio Studio only has peak normalization which is plenty adequate in most cases You can also use a volume maximizer tool, which is basically a brick-wall peak limiter with automatic volume compensation. I like the legacy 'Wave Hammer' in Sound Forge Pro which adds a vintage (1176 FET) sound (good or bad). OTOH, the Loudmax loudness maximizer VST plug-in is relatively transparent and simple to use.. best of all it is free,. Many maximizers have a maximum peak ceiling parameter setting Lowering the threshold fader will raise the output volume, There are many other 'volume maximizer' plug-ins available, free or otherwise. FWIW, Volume maximizers and comp / limiters in general are often missued, more is not necessarily better.
btw, welcome to the Sound Forge Forum @Alain-Leduc
A peak normalizer will not compress or change the dynamic range, it will just raise (or lower) the file's entire amplitude, An RMS normalizer can affect the dynamic range similar to a compressor/limiter.
I apologize if I stumble in here:
@rraud Do you happen to know which normalizer is applied in Vegas Pro (peak or RMS) when you select Normalize from the right-click menu?
If so enabled, Vegas can Peak normalize event(s). It does not have the RMS option. Comp/limiting or volume max plug-ins can be applied to events, tracks and master busses.. lest not forget the volume envelopes.