error installing Music Studio from disc

Cameron wrote on 7/10/2018, 2:48 PM

I bought Samplitude Music Studio 2016 in April of this year. Just took it out of the box today. Tried to install it on my Dell laptop, Windows 10. It hung up at Stage 12 of 27 of Vita 2. A pop up error message said "cyclic redundancy check."

I do have another computer I could try installing on, but I would prefer to use my Dell.

Any ideas?


fan-boy wrote on 7/10/2018, 5:31 PM

CRC ,... Cyclic Redundancy Check , is "tag-a-long" data , for data integrity ,...error correction ,...blah blah blah

you need to try and verify the integrity of the physical DVD disk .

make a folder on your hard drive , name it ,...samplitudeDVD_diskTest .

now Copy the entire DVD ,...all of it , into the above folder .

did it work ?

if you get a CRC error during the copying , then the Disk is physically bad .

I am going to guess , by what you already said ,...the physical disk is most likely defective .


Tip help ,

carefully look\inspect the disk , for any dust , or paper spec that might be on the disk surface . clean the disk carefully . remove any finger prints ,..people oil can prevent the LASER from reaching the aluminum wafer inside .

it is also possible , when the aluminum wafer was STAMPED , during manufacture , the "Pits" did NOT get made correctly .

if the disk is clean , and you still get CRC error , then the disk is toast .

I assume your DVD deck is in good working order ,...drivers etc ,..

Cameron wrote on 7/11/2018, 2:33 PM

Thanks fan-boy!

* I uninstalled the parts of Music Studio that had installed.

* I cleaned the DVD.

* I successfully made a test copy of the DVD to C:

* I deleted that test folder from C:

* I tried installing Music Studio from the disc and it worked this time.

So problem resolved.

The software box has a second DVD called Music Maker Live. I have not tried to install it. My goal is to build up a song track-by-track on my computer by playing a digital piano and running the headphone jack's output to my computer's eighth-inch jack. If that is all I want to do, is there any reason for me to install that other DVD?



fan-boy wrote on 7/11/2018, 6:43 PM

from what I have read about Music Maker Live , is also an Extra "feature" in Music Maker in-app Store , for Live DJ'ing a gig . the catch phrase is "play Music Maker as if Music Maker were an instrument" . that is one of the features i did NOT get . not doing any live shows .

a whole DVD just for "Live" ? , least look to see what else is on that DVD . I take it all of your Premium music synthesizer Instruments are installed . you don't seem interested in Sound Pools . plus , if you want to keep your work Exclusive to your distribution needs( No big brother looking over your shoulder ) , then do NOT use any sound pools , nor sound samples .

Play your external keyboard , and you can use the Premium music synthesizers too ,... write your own notes , play your own notes , and the Song is yours ,...distribution is Exclusively yours . your song , your jingle , you made it .

Cameron wrote on 7/12/2018, 4:16 AM

Noted. 🙂