I tried doing a search for this error message, but it returned 0 results. A search on Google with the same topic produced problems with this in version 14. Has anyone experienced this with MEP Pro MX plus? I just spent the last week editing a wedding day and night and now I can't get the resulting file to export as an MPEG2. i tried all the cheap fixes, reboot etc to no avail. This is actually part two of this wedding, and the first part rendered fine. Any idea what the problem could be? Could it be that I'm mixing files from 2 different cameras? (This just occured to me as I was typing.) My camera produces m2ts files and the other camera produces mpg files? I have mixed them together freely. other than that, I have no thoughts. also, I'm running Win7Pro. I did notice in my Google search, that version 14 had this problem and the fix was changing the "DEP" settings in the Windows system settings. Thast applied at the time to XP & Vista. I did check these settings in my Win7 system and they were set to the default Windows only setting. Also I just checked my first disk edit file and it also contained both types of raw files, so that's not it apparently.
Now I loaded up my disk 2 edit and tried exporting a BluRay bitrate file, but it also crashed with the same error. So I loaded up my disk 1 edit and exported a file with the same BluRay bitrate settings and it appears to be fine. This tells me it's not my Win7 system, but rather something in my Magix structure perhaps, or some effect I've applied that's mucking up the export. I'm going to try to isolate it by running an export on individual sections. I'll be back.