Error Encoding - Unable to burn to DVD.

novella_land wrote on 2/3/2012, 10:54 PM

I was in the process of burning my dvd but keep receiving the same error message. The message states: Burning was aborted with the following error, ERROR ENCODING, Movie Encoding Failed. PLEASE HELP.

The following is my data log:

-------------------------- 01/26/2011 08:21:04 PM --------------------------

01/26/2011 08:21:04 PM.049:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
01/26/2011 08:21:04 PM.049:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
01/26/2011 08:21:04 PM.049:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
01/26/2011 08:21:04 PM.252:   AVSDK Version 9.0.193
01/26/2011 08:21:04 PM.252:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
01/26/2011 08:21:04 PM.252:   AVSDK: 1 device(s) found
01/26/2011 08:21:04 PM.252:   Adapter=0  ID=1  LUN=0   E:SONY CDRWDVD CRX310S Revision:VDK2
01/26/2011 08:21:04 PM.252:   AVSDK: 1 record device(s) available
01/26/2011 08:21:04 PM.252:   ------------ done ----------------

-------------------------- 01/28/2011 11:04:32 PM --------------------------

01/28/2011 11:04:32 PM.770:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
01/28/2011 11:04:32 PM.770:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
01/28/2011 11:04:32 PM.771:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
01/28/2011 11:04:33 PM.037:   AVSDK Version 9.0.193
01/28/2011 11:04:33 PM.037:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
01/28/2011 11:04:33 PM.147:   AVSDK: 2 device(s) found
01/28/2011 11:04:33 PM.148:   Adapter=0  ID=1  LUN=0   E:SONY CDRWDVD CRX310S Revision:VDK2
01/28/2011 11:04:33 PM.148:   Adapter=255  ID=1  LUN=0   H:SONY DVD RW DRU-840A Revision:SS01
01/28/2011 11:04:33 PM.149:   AVSDK: 2 record device(s) available
01/28/2011 11:04:33 PM.149:   ------------ done ----------------
01/28/2011 11:04:59 PM.638:   setting no speed limit
01/28/2011 11:04:59 PM.639:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 16 - burn support - invalid device !!!
01/28/2011 11:06:59 PM.899:   setting no speed limit

-------------------------- 01/28/2011 11:21:53 PM --------------------------

01/28/2011 11:21:53 PM.980:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
01/28/2011 11:21:53 PM.981:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
01/28/2011 11:21:53 PM.981:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
01/28/2011 11:21:54 PM.256:   AVSDK Version 9.0.193
01/28/2011 11:21:54 PM.257:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
01/28/2011 11:21:54 PM.260:   AVSDK: 2 device(s) found
01/28/2011 11:21:54 PM.260:   Adapter=0  ID=1  LUN=0   E:SONY CDRWDVD CRX310S Revision:VDK2
01/28/2011 11:21:54 PM.261:   Adapter=255  ID=1  LUN=0   H:SONY DVD RW DRU-840A Revision:SS01
01/28/2011 11:21:54 PM.261:   AVSDK: 2 record device(s) available
01/28/2011 11:21:54 PM.262:   ------------ done ----------------
01/28/2011 11:22:17 PM.715:   setting no speed limit
01/28/2011 11:22:17 PM.716:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 16 - burn support - invalid device !!!

-------------------------- 01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM --------------------------

01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM.146:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM.146:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM.147:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM.365:   AVSDK Version 9.0.193
01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM.366:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM.366:   AVSDK: 2 device(s) found
01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM.367:   Adapter=0  ID=1  LUN=0   E:SONY CDRWDVD CRX310S Revision:VDK2
01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM.367:   Adapter=255  ID=1  LUN=0   H:SONY DVD RW DRU-840A Revision:SS01
01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM.368:   AVSDK: 2 record device(s) available
01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM.369:   ------------ done ----------------
01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM.744:   setting no speed limit
01/28/2011 11:32:53 PM.745:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 16 - burn support - invalid device !!!
01/28/2011 11:33:15 PM.256:   Open Project: 2011-01-28_ -- dvd project 2011-01-28
01/28/2011 11:33:15 PM.257:   VideoMode: NTSC   Temp Dir: C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\
01/28/2011 11:33:15 PM.257:   dll version
01/28/2011 11:33:15 PM.278:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
01/28/2011 11:33:15 PM.278:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
01/28/2011 11:33:15 PM.534:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 621838336
01/28/2011 11:33:15 PM.534:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 131072, Typ 0
01/28/2011 11:33:15 PM.535:   Title an Stelle 131072, Länge 131072, Typ 0
01/28/2011 11:33:15 PM.535:   Title an Stelle 262144, Länge 621576192, Typ 1
01/28/2011 11:33:15 PM.535:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
01/28/2011 11:33:15 PM.539:   Step 1 of 6, Encoding movie 1 ...
01/28/2011 11:48:49 PM.351:   Step 1 done
01/28/2011 11:48:49 PM.356:   Step 2 of 6, Encoding movie menu...
01/28/2011 11:48:50 PM.904:   Step 2 done
01/28/2011 11:48:50 PM.908:   Step 3 of 6, Encoding chapter menu 1 ...
01/28/2011 11:48:50 PM.910:   Step 3 done
01/28/2011 11:48:50 PM.914:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VTS_01_1.VOB
01/28/2011 11:48:50 PM.915:   Step 4 of 6, Creating DVD image...
01/28/2011 11:49:47 PM.977:   Step 4 done
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.297:   Step 5 of 6
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.299:   Step 5 done
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.303:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.361:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.562:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.638:    Booktype: don't care
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.638:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.639:   this equals 4.000000x DVD / 31.405897x CD Speed
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.639:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.639:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.641:   Step 6 of 6
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.643:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.704:   create volume... OK
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.704:   verify option OFF
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.705:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
01/28/2011 11:49:57 PM.707:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.666:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VTS_01_1.VOB"
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.668:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VTS_01_0.IFO"
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.670:   Step 6 done
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.672:   ------------ done ----------------
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.673:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.673:   Step 6 of 6
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.676:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.677:    Booktype: don't care
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.677:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.678:   this equals 4.000000x DVD / 31.405897x CD Speed
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.727:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.727:   -- Volume mounted --
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.728:   -- Recording on "H: SONY DVD RW DRU-840A" --
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.728:   -- Medium is "DWD-RW" --
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.728:   -- Manufacturer "INFODISC" --
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.894:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording volume ...
01/28/2011 11:49:58 PM.926:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> formatting disc to prepare recording ...
01/28/2011 11:49:59 PM.002:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Recording 295592 sectors/frames
01/28/2011 11:49:59 PM.005:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> writing data ...
01/28/2011 11:50:08 PM.894:   wrote LeadIn, start DataCopy
01/28/2011 11:51:54 PM.380:   writing leadout and closing disc
01/28/2011 11:51:54 PM.386:   writing leadout and closing disc
01/28/2011 11:51:59 PM.307:   writing leadout and closing disc
01/28/2011 11:51:59 PM.309:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> finalising disc ...
01/28/2011 11:52:01 PM.319:   AVSDK Status - End operation Recording 295592 sectors/frames
01/28/2011 11:52:01 PM.320:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording successfully completed
01/28/2011 11:52:01 PM.772:   Step 6 done
01/28/2011 11:52:01 PM.774:   ------------ done ----------------
01/28/2011 11:53:00 PM.616:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive h:
01/28/2011 11:53:00 PM.616:    DEVICE REMOVAL
01/29/2011 12:32:07 AM.131:   setting no speed limit
01/29/2011 12:32:20 AM.867:   Open Project: 2011-01-28_ -- dvd project 2011-01-29
01/29/2011 12:32:20 AM.867:   VideoMode: NTSC   Temp Dir: C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\
01/29/2011 12:32:20 AM.868:   dll version
01/29/2011 12:32:20 AM.870:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
01/29/2011 12:32:20 AM.871:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
01/29/2011 12:32:21 AM.750:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 3276865536
01/29/2011 12:32:21 AM.750:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 131072, Typ 0
01/29/2011 12:32:21 AM.750:   Title an Stelle 131072, Länge 131072, Typ 0
01/29/2011 12:32:21 AM.751:   Title an Stelle 262144, Länge 3276603392, Typ 1
01/29/2011 12:32:21 AM.751:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
01/29/2011 12:32:47 AM.450:   Step 1 of 6, Encoding movie 1 ...
01/29/2011 01:50:25 AM.738:   Step 1 done
01/29/2011 01:50:25 AM.748:   Step 2 of 6, Encoding movie menu...
01/29/2011 01:50:28 AM.364:   Step 2 done
01/29/2011 01:50:28 AM.367:   Step 3 of 6, Encoding chapter menu 1 ...
01/29/2011 01:50:28 AM.369:   Step 3 done
01/29/2011 01:50:28 AM.422:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VTS_01_1.VOB
01/29/2011 01:50:28 AM.423:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VTS_01_2.VOB
01/29/2011 01:50:28 AM.423:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VTS_01_3.VOB
01/29/2011 01:50:28 AM.425:   Step 4 of 6, Creating DVD image...
01/29/2011 01:54:46 AM.081:   Step 4 done
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.790:   Step 5 of 6
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.793:   Step 5 done
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.797:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.909:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.910:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.910:    Booktype: don't care
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.919:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.920:   this equals 4.000000x DVD / 31.405897x CD Speed
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.920:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.920:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.922:   Step 6 of 6
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.924:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.929:   create volume... OK
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.930:   verify option OFF
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.930:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.932:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.935:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VTS_01_1.VOB"
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.936:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VTS_01_2.VOB"
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.938:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VTS_01_3.VOB"
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.940:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-28_\VTS_01_0.IFO"
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.942:   Step 6 done
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.944:   ------------ done ----------------
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.944:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.945:   Step 6 of 6
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.949:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.949:    Booktype: don't care
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.950:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.950:   this equals 4.000000x DVD / 31.405897x CD Speed
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.951:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.951:   -- Volume mounted --
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.951:   -- Recording on "H: SONY DVD RW DRU-840A" --
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.952:   -- Medium is "DVD+R" --
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.952:   -- Manufacturer "CMC MAG. AM3" --
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.964:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording volume ...
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.965:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Recording 1516976 sectors/frames
01/29/2011 01:54:50 AM.967:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> writing data ...
01/29/2011 01:54:51 AM.285:   wrote LeadIn, start DataCopy
01/29/2011 02:04:47 AM.622:   writing leadout and closing disc
01/29/2011 02:05:12 AM.701:   writing leadout and closing disc
01/29/2011 02:05:12 AM.703:   AVSDK Status - End operation Recording 1516976 sectors/frames
01/29/2011 02:05:12 AM.704:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording successfully completed
01/29/2011 02:05:16 AM.994:   Step 6 done
01/29/2011 02:05:16 AM.996:   ------------ done ----------------
01/29/2011 02:05:17 AM.855:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive h:
01/29/2011 02:05:17 AM.855:    DEVICE ARRIVED
01/29/2011 02:05:18 AM.289:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
01/29/2011 02:42:45 AM.506:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive h:
01/29/2011 02:42:45 AM.506:    DEVICE REMOVAL

-------------------------- 01/29/2011 06:08:16 PM --------------------------

01/29/2011 06:08:16 PM.587:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
01/29/2011 06:08:16 PM.601:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
01/29/2011 06:08:16 PM.602:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
01/29/2011 06:08:16 PM.887:   AVSDK Version 9.0.193
01/29/2011 06:08:16 PM.887:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
01/29/2011 06:08:16 PM.889:   AVSDK: 2 device(s) found
01/29/2011 06:08:16 PM.890:   Adapter=0  ID=1  LUN=0   E:SONY CDRWDVD CRX310S Revision:VDK2
01/29/2011 06:08:16 PM.955:   Adapter=255  ID=1  LUN=0   H:SONY DVD RW DRU-840A Revision:SS01
01/29/2011 06:08:16 PM.973:   AVSDK: 2 record device(s) available
01/29/2011 06:08:16 PM.973:   ------------ done ----------------
01/29/2011 06:09:18 PM.065:   setting no speed limit
01/29/2011 06:09:18 PM.066:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 16 - burn support - invalid device !!!
01/29/2011 06:11:10 PM.672:   Open Project: 2011-01-29 -- dvd project 2011-01-29
01/29/2011 06:11:10 PM.673:   VideoMode: NTSC   Temp Dir: C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\
01/29/2011 06:11:10 PM.673:   dll version
01/29/2011 06:11:10 PM.693:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
01/29/2011 06:11:10 PM.694:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
01/29/2011 06:11:12 PM.977:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 4540989440
01/29/2011 06:11:12 PM.978:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 101646336, Typ 0
01/29/2011 06:11:12 PM.978:   Title an Stelle 101646336, Länge 101646336, Typ 0
01/29/2011 06:11:12 PM.978:   Title an Stelle 203292672, Länge 4337696768, Typ 1
01/29/2011 06:11:12 PM.979:   Split berechnen...
01/29/2011 06:11:12 PM.979:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 101646336, Typ 0
01/29/2011 06:11:12 PM.979:   Title an Stelle 101646336, Länge 101646336, Typ 0
01/29/2011 06:11:12 PM.980:   Title an Stelle 203292672, Länge 4337696768, Typ 1
01/29/2011 06:11:12 PM.980:   Split in HMOVIE 56bac90, Position in Datei 4068540416
01/29/2011 06:11:13 PM.005:   Step 1 of 6, Encoding movie 1 ...
01/29/2011 06:11:13 PM.008:   Eintragen des Splitpunktes 4068540416 bei ConvertMovie(56bac90)
01/29/2011 08:10:52 PM.481:   Step 1 done
01/29/2011 08:10:52 PM.489:   Step 2 of 6, Encoding movie menu...
01/29/2011 08:12:04 PM.874:   Step 2 done
01/29/2011 08:12:04 PM.877:   Step 3 of 6, Encoding chapter menu 1 ...
01/29/2011 08:13:26 PM.864:   Step 3 done
01/29/2011 08:13:26 PM.869:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-29\VTS_01_1.VOB
01/29/2011 08:13:26 PM.869:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-29\VTS_01_2.VOB
01/29/2011 08:13:26 PM.869:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-29\VTS_01_3.VOB
01/29/2011 08:13:26 PM.870:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-29\VTS_01_4.VOB
01/29/2011 08:13:26 PM.873:   Step 4 of 6, Creating DVD image...
01/29/2011 08:17:43 PM.264:   Step 4 done
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.595:   Step 5 of 6
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.597:   Step 5 done
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.601:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.665:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.666:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.666:    Booktype: don't care
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.667:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.668:   this equals 4.000000x DVD / 31.405897x CD Speed
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.668:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.668:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.670:   Step 6 of 6
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.672:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.703:   create volume... OK
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.704:   verify option OFF
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.704:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-29\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.706:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-29\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.708:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-29\VTS_01_1.VOB"
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.709:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-29\VTS_01_2.VOB"
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.711:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-29\VTS_01_3.VOB"
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.714:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-29\VTS_01_4.VOB"
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.716:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-29\VTS_01_0.IFO"
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.718:   adding file "C:\Users\Novella\Documents\MAGIX_Movie_Edit_Pro_17\Disc Images\DVD Image 2011-01-29\VTS_01_0.VOB"
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.719:   Step 6 done
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.721:   ------------ done ----------------
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.722:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.722:   Step 6 of 6
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.751:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.752:    Booktype: don't care
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.752:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.752:   this equals 4.000000x DVD / 31.405897x CD Speed
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.753:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.753:   -- Volume mounted --
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.753:   -- Recording on "H: SONY DVD RW DRU-840A" --
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.754:   -- Medium is "DWD-RW" --
01/29/2011 08:17:47 PM.754:   -- Manufacturer "INFODISC" --
01/29/2011 08:17:48 PM.370:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording volume ...
01/29/2011 08:17:48 PM.403:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> formatting disc to prepare recording ...
01/29/2011 08:17:58 PM.428:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Formatting disc
01/29/2011 08:18:05 PM.264:   AVSDK Status - End operation Formatting disc
01/29/2011 08:18:09 PM.478:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Recording 2057679 sectors/frames
01/29/2011 08:18:09 PM.480:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> writing data ...
01/29/2011 08:18:10 PM.227:   wrote LeadIn, start DataCopy
01/29/2011 08:30:48 PM.050:   writing leadout and closing disc
01/29/2011 08:30:48 PM.056:   writing leadout and closing disc
01/29/2011 08:30:53 PM.725:   writing leadout and closing disc
01/29/2011 08:30:53 PM.728:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> finalising disc ...
01/29/2011 08:32:32 PM.972:   AVSDK Status - End operation Recording 2057679 sectors/frames
01/29/2011 08:32:32 PM.973:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording successfully completed
01/29/2011 08:32:35 PM.918:   Step 6 done
01/29/2011 08:32:35 PM.920:   ------------ done ----------------
01/29/2011 08:32:36 PM.237:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive h:
01/29/2011 08:32:36 PM.237:    DEVICE ARRIVED
01/30/2011 01:09:25 AM.141:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive h:
01/30/2011 01:09:25 AM.142:    DEVICE REMOVAL




johnebaker wrote on 2/4/2012, 6:39 PM


The cause of the error is in your log - it is this:

01/28/2011 11:04:59 PM.639:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 16 - burn support - invalid device !!!

In other words your DVD drive is not supported by the installed burn routines.

Update your Burn routines which you can download from here:-


Last changed by johnebaker on 2/4/2012, 6:39 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.