EQ and maybe related Audio plug-in glitch sounds using Acid 9

Satire wrote on 1/10/2023, 7:51 AM

In old versions of Acid, if I wanted to EQ a track, I would click the "Track FX" button and it would automatically give me the various slopes to edit, such as bass, treble, etc. in four lines.


But now, no matter how I adjust the various bands, nothing happens. The track does not amplify the bass, or treble or mids or any adjustment I make. It slides just like the older versions, and appears to work, but does nothing. If I apply it as an effect itself, I can adjust the volume in the FX part of the mixing console and make it an assignable effect that way, U can apply it on the drop down of the track FX and it will amplify the overall volume of the track, but again, the sliders make no difference.



This may be unrelated, but some effects applied generate a strange glitchy beeping sound of various tones when applied, such as reverb or delay. The sound actually generates a small blip on the volume of the effect. It's very strange.

If these are two separate issues, please let me know.

I'm not a serious music maker or even a tech guy. I just make music for fun, so my knowledge of things is spotty at best. My apologies for that.



Former user wrote on 1/10/2023, 9:34 AM

Do you have the same problem with a 3rd party EQ plugin? The 'beeping' sounds most often means the VST is not authorized, It needs to be activated.

Satire wrote on 1/10/2023, 12:43 PM

Thanks for your response!

I purchased this version directly from Amazon and installed what I was given. If they bundled third party stuff with it,I assume it activated when I installed it. Also, isn't the track EQing part of the standard Acid install, and not third party? To my knowledge, none of the effects I use are third party. I also cannot find any place to activate VST. And in the track I use screenshots for, I already have some reverb on it and no beeping can be found,. but when I apply other effects, I get the beeping.

Enclosed is a screenshot of all the effects I have.


I have not tried them all, but some of them get beeping. I even get the beeping at first when I apply the EQ effect. But not continuously like the other ones.

I'll be honest. I may not understand what you are talking about.

Former user wrote on 1/10/2023, 1:23 PM

@Satire Hi, well after looking at your screen shot I see 1, 3rd party plugin (Melodyne) and you will have to activate it, they should have sent you a serial # and it's a VST3 plugin. AP has serious known issues with VST's and VST3's, I'm NOT saying this is your problem but it is in an area that Magix knows there are bugs and issues. "but when I apply other effects" what other FX are you applying? As to the 'Track EQ' remove it and try the 'Express FX Equalization' or "Express FX Graphic EQ' to see if they work on your system. Best of Luck

Satire wrote on 1/10/2023, 2:45 PM

Thanks again for the reply!

I just tried what you said. I am getting those bleep noises all the time when I use the effect you referred to.


Is the track EQ not part of the Acid build, because it always worked in previous versions?

To be clear, this is what I have always used to apply EQ:


It's not some added effect, to my knowledge.

Former user wrote on 1/10/2023, 8:38 PM

@Satire Hello again, well it seems you've got quit the little mess on your hands. First, the last version of AP I used was AP10 and it DIDN'T have a preloaded EQ (or any FX) in the track FX area. However, the beeping is usually a sign of a FX plugin that needs activation........I'm going to message you as there are things that one can't discuss on the forum. Cheers