I have hidden the similar post you made to another thread since it is a duplicate of this one. Please don't create duplicate threads or it becomes very difficult for users who might wish to offer suggestions to know where they should post!
Can you be a little more specific please about the exact problem you are having? Perhaps, a step by step account of what you are doing and what does, or does not, happen. I assume you have bought one of the editions of MM, is it Plus or Premium? I also assume it is MM 2023. Can you confirm this, or otherwise, please? Is this a new installation, on which OS?
How long have you waited after clicking on the button? I notice the Magix website is very slow this morning and the registration process is completed by a Magix server. It is quite possible that there is a problem with one or more of those servers and that is the reason for the problem you are experiencing.
One final thought: please don't post entirely in CAPITAL LETTERS! It is considered as the forum equivalent of SHOUTING and is not likely to endear you to other users! Thank you.
I downloaded Magix Music 2023 Premium, got to the Enter Serial Number and can't click on it, I waited 5 minutes, and I'm on windows 7...yes I was logged in also, I did attempt it on the first try, button didn't work....not to mention after the download and paying for it, it says Magix Music Free instead of Premium which im sure it won't until I put my Serial number in
Assuming you mean 'Is it my OS' the answer is that this is the most likely cause - the program is designed to run on Windows 10 and 11 and will make use of features that are not available in Win 7.
The question of whether you PC could be updated to Windows 10, Windows 11 may not be possible, would depend on its hardware specification and age.