End of life / replacement of Samplitude Music Studio

Sakke wrote on 3/25/2010, 6:25 AM
There is no Samplitude Music Studio in your product list. Does it mean that the product is going to have end of life and if so, when?
Does the Samplitude Producer replace the Music Studio? If so, is there any upgrade path from Music Studio? I have Music Studio version 14.


ralftaro wrote on 3/25/2010, 11:13 AM
Hi Sakke,

Samplitude Producer is essentially the successor to the Samplitude Music Studio product line. It's basically still the same product line, in terms of this being the "smaller brother" of Samplitude Pro. However, there has been a small change in the concept, with this new version having somewhat higher specifications (e.g. 96/24 support). This is probably also what is reflected in the small change of the product line name and the somewhat higher price tag.

If you want to ask for an upgrade price or you have more specific questions, you might actually want to contact Magix directly:


I hope this helps!