When we buy Soundpool like from Catooh or Magix these soundpool may contain audio loops or blocks (as in the soundpool) right? When we buy this stuff we get license. That license does not allow us to use soundpool or loops as it is we have to incorporate/embedded in our music or if we use only soundpool we have to make our own music or songs using audio from the soundpool.
Example: if we buy a Soundpool DVD and among various Genres if we choose Techno Trans it may contain, Bass, Drum, Percussion, Synth, Pads, Vocals audio files, we can not just use as it is we have to make a music or song at random. We have to arrange them and compose a music or song. When we compose it after making adjustment we will finalize and export the audio file. That exported audio file will be treated edited and we can call it our work.
What if we buy an audio loop which is just a few seconds/minutes one long audio? Same formula will be applied we can not use it as it is again we have to add something, even we can cut from here and there, we can remix etc. Finally we will export an audio file and that finalized audio will be called edited work mean that is ours.
Please note: no matter we edit and make our own music or song the original audio will remain the property of the copyrights holder. We can have rights on our created material.
Now, regarding embedded contact, I have already talked above but once again, embed means TO FIX/TO PUT/TO INTEGRATE IN TO A SURROUNDING MASS. Example: music blocks are embedded on the track.