Editing in the soft wear is laggy, and the sound and videos are off

chase-s wrote on 9/9/2024, 7:14 PM

I'm using Magix movie edit pro plus 2021. It use to work perfectly fine with no issues. However i stopped using it for about a year and am now trying to use it once more and its pretty much unusable. When editing all the sounds are off, like you know how the sound is in a box when editing right? well once the orange line passes the box where the audio should stop it continues. Its the weirdest thing. And other times the quality is just super laggy, the video blinks and freezes, or sometimes the entire program stops and tries to load on certain parts of a video i'll be working on. I have no idea what's causing this, I updated my hard drive and my computer is pretty fast, every other app and game i run, runs fine. I've tried restarting my computer, updating the program, and more and nothing works. Any ideas on how i can fix this?


Reyfox wrote on 9/12/2024, 7:46 AM

@chase-s you have to provide more information.

What are your computer hardware specs? See my signature below as an example.

What types of video are you editing. What created them? What effects (if any) are you adding to them? What are your project settings?

This is some of the information that is required to begin to start to give you help.

You mentioned that that software used to work perfectly fine, something has changed. What was it.

Bol wrote on 9/13/2024, 6:58 AM


Hello chase,

You indicate that you have not used VDL2021 for a year. It is possible that something has been removed (un)intentionally in the meantime. What you could do is reset VDL2021 to the default values. To do this, go to: File / Settings / Reset program settings to default values. If this does not have the desired result, I advise you to uninstall VDL2021 and reinstall it. See: How to reinstall Movie Edit Pro / Movie Studio 2022 (magix.info)

Good luck,

Als een kwestie onoplosbaar lijkt, komt dat niet omdat je de oplossing niet ziet, maar omdat je het probleem niet ziet.

If an issue seems unsolvable, it is not because you do not see the solution, but because you do not see the problem.

PC -1-

PC -2-

chase-s wrote on 9/13/2024, 9:36 AM

Thank you to both of you for answering, as for the first message. I don't really know the specs of my computer... As for the types of video im making just a basic youtube video, like just recording audio and adding in some recordings and editing them. And i dont use any effects other than the resize tool. And as for settings i use just the settings you start with. As for what could have changed, within the past year I updated my hard drive but thats about it.

As for the seconmd comment thanks alot as well, i'll definilty try what you said =)