Each time after program lanuch - activate serial number

Pelonis wrote on 9/9/2019, 3:33 AM

Dear Magix Team,

I used SF Audio Studio 13 without any problems for a few weeks now and suddenly I have to activate my serial number each time I open up the program (I activate via internet). I already un- and reinstalled, deactivated my serial on the website and activated again and again. No solution so far - any ideas?

(WIN10, latest software, everything running smoove)

Thank you very much.

Kind regards, Pelonis



rraud wrote on 9/9/2019, 12:18 PM

Welcome to the Sound Forge forum peer-to-peer discussion group. This is not Magix customer service or tech support, though in many instances, problems are solved faster and easier with information from experienced users who have had the same issue or are aware of it

The 'Elevated Privileges' issue with SF 10 & 11 manifests similar behavior. Though I have not heard of issues with AS-12 and 13.

Otherwise you can check the 'Compatibility' settings. Right-click the Sound Forge application <.exe> or the shortcut file and select "Properties> Compatibility", Verify "Run this program as an administrator" is NOT enabled. Verify this in "Change settings for all users" as well.

You can contact Magix Customer Service for authorization and registration problems. Not to be confused with 'Tech Support'