DVD Burn again with small changes

crash wrote on 7/17/2013, 12:37 AM

Hi Can anyone help.

In Movie Edit Pro Plus 2013

I have just burnt my DVD, 60 minutes ( this takes about 90 miins to burn )

Usually when I burn my second DVD it, burns in 15 Mins  as I just select the USE ALL option.

I have now made one small change in the footage. I do not want to re-encode all. Thsi seems a waste as it has already encoded for the first burn.

Is there an option to burn the disc correctly again and encode only the changed section ?

The Options are , use all, endode all, rewrite chapters and markers

Any help with be appreciated


gandjcarr wrote on 7/17/2013, 12:36 PM


Make the edits in your video, go to burn it again and choose use all.


crash wrote on 7/17/2013, 12:50 PM


Make the edits in your video, go to burn it again and choose use all.


Thanks George

Will try that, will def save me a lot of time :)