I have a paid-for version of Movie Studio 12 and am trying to reinstall it on my new Windows 10 pro 64bit laptop.
In the Magix support download center, when I click on the Download link, it downloads the installation App.
When I click install, the "allow App to make changes to this computer" message pops up but when I click "Yes", an error message pops up advising: C:\Users\Chris\Appdata\Roaming\MAGIX\Installationsmanager\MxDownloadManager.ini enthält eine falsche Pfadangabe"
I translated the last bit from German and it states "contains an incorrect path specification"
When I click "OK" the message box disappears and the Movie Studio 12 Installation starts.
During installation, the installer advises it needs the following software component, Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, to be installed as part of the process.
When I click accept, it starts downloading this software component but terminates at the end with an error message "Download was corrupted".
When I close this message box, the Movie Studio 12 installation process simply terminates.
I have repeated the download process a few times with the same result.
I have full screenshots of the process.
Please assist.