@Mobi I'm not sure what you downloaded but the downloader program should be named something like soundforgepro16_dlm.exe and not Soundforge install.exe
So I'm logged into my account on your forum and it's tied to my account with my applications that I own from you requesting your help, and you think I didn't download it from this site because I couldn't remember the exact name of the file which is soundforgestudio16_dlm_jep0bd.exe
to be exact, now can I get some actual help instead of requesting useless information.
Yes the "soundforgestudio16_dlm_jep0bd.exe" is the download manager file, Did the unpacked AS-16 installer download?.. look in your 'Documents> Magix Downloads>Installationsmanager' folder. If not, you can download the unpacked Audio Studio 16 installer file directly *. Ozone Elements 10 can be downloaded from iZotope, or I can give you link to download the unpacked installer files, Ozone Elements, Music Maker and Update Notifier if the AS install manager continues to malfunction.