On my Magix overview page I have two domains listed, one that I purchased (smalldairy.info) and the standard Magix domain (http://smalldairy.magix.net/).
I am having a problem getting an Ecwid shopping cart to work correctly within the smalldairy.info site because of the constraints of the theme I'm using in Xara, and would like to put the cart somewhere else, so that the theme is not an issue. Can I put the cart on the smalldairy.magix.net domain and point to it from my smalldairy.info web site? The magix.net domain is currently unassigned, except that http://smalldairy.magix.net/public is assigned as an FTP site and contains exactly the same thing as the smalldairy.info site (also FTP). What's that about?
Obviously I really don't understand how domains and subdomains work.