Dolby Digital import AVCHD not working for real ?

bantav wrote on 7/26/2008, 7:55 AM

got MAgix Movie Edit Plus 14 with codecs enabled. I read in the help that AVCHD 5.1 Sound cannot be imported ? I dont quite understand, are you saying the millions of camcorders out there cant use Dolby sourround with Movie Edit ?
I can barely believe it. Please prove me wrong.

thx alot


ralftaro wrote on 7/30/2008, 6:39 AM
Hi there,

You can import AVCHD material with 5.1 Dolby Digital sound, but it will always be mixed down to stereo and treated as such in the program. That's still curently a technical limitation in Movie Edit Pro. Probably not a big deal to most users. I mean, who really makes use of the surround sound capabilities in the audio encoding of a consumer-level AVCHD camera when in the end the camera just features some unidirectional microphone anyway? Of course, it would be cool to see this featured in the future.