Does Magix MEP14+ support Complex Script (arabic, hebrew,...)? Violetto wrote on 11/16/2008, 1:47 PM I tryed to insert some arabic text in the subtitles and only the first letter appears in the preview... If I choose the orientation of the text as from right to left, the text disappear completely... Back to post
Comments TschueschBoy51 wrote on 11/19/2008, 8:09 AM Hallo Violetto, you can not insert Arabic or Hebrew in the title editor. However, you can insert it as a graphic and use the chroma keying to use it as subtitles. Regards, Tschueschboy gammash wrote on 12/1/2009, 1:29 AM Dear Violetto, Here is the trick: 1- type single english char in the first line 2- press enter and then convert to Arabic. 3- type your Arabic text and enjoy. Regards, Murry Gammash 1