Difference between actual uploaded and online space used

GILFTami wrote on 5/13/2009, 10:03 AM
Why is there almost twice as many MBs showing used in my online album as I have actualy used?   I know the file sizes of everything I uploaded and it seems to be showing up twice in my online album.   I tried deleting the archive (since the same media shows there as in my album) but when I do it deleted the media from the album itself.   So is the ACTUAL free space only 250mb (since everything seems to be counted twice)?   

If this is so then is it the same way in the upgraded online albums?  

Thanks for any info.


Former user wrote on 5/13/2009, 10:24 AM

every file is stored originally in the archive. so if you delete a file there it will be also deleted in your albums. if you add a file from the archiv in several albums the system counts only one file as stored. this is very nice from magix, isn't it?
the used storage is the sum of all files and different file versions like thumbnail, preview etc. but it seems to me implausible that it will be the double size of the files.

count again
Former user wrote on 5/14/2009, 2:41 AM
I am not sure who rated my answer negative, but i can say that the answer is true and careful investigated.
Remember that magix will store our videos twice. The orginal file and a specific web-format in .FLV to play your video on your flash website. Maybe this makes the difference.
bye, Revolver