Deleting my files

Adam-Turner wrote on 6/28/2021, 3:17 AM

Morning all

Everytime I close down Music Maker, it deletes all of the soundpools I have downloaded. There were 24 I had and PAID for but have now all gone. Even the songs I have made have all disappeared and its even logging me out. I have had music maker for 2 months and never had this problem. Now, I have nothing but problems and cannot even get hold of anyone to help. Absolute Joke. At least 150 hours worth of work gone

Does anyone know why this is happening?




SP. wrote on 6/28/2021, 3:42 AM

@Adam-Turner The Soundpools should still be on your hard drive. It is likely a cache problem. You can go into the program settings and click on the button to clean up the store. This can help with this problem.

Adam-Turner wrote on 6/28/2021, 3:47 AM

Thanks SP, how do I do this?

SP. wrote on 6/28/2021, 4:29 AM

@Adam-Turner You just go into the program settings and click on the button to clean up the store.