Delay between playing midi keyboard and recording in MM15

Ratna-D wrote on 6/6/2009, 3:21 AM
I have connetced a midi keyboard to MM15. I am am able to record, but there are two undesirable things happening. First off there is a brief delay between playing the keyboard and recording. Second the synth sounds I select on the keyboard sometimes come out the same in MM15 and sometimes come out as somethig completely different. Odd. Anyone know how to solve either of these issues?



NoTurning wrote on 6/7/2009, 6:04 PM
You're experiencing MIDI latency (delay) and a synth/Vita instrument issue. Both of these are covered in the manual on the cd (or in the install directory) and have been answered here several times. If you search previous answers you should be able to find the solutions. If you are unable after that - tell us what you have tried and we'll go from there.