DDP Export Error using SoundForge Project file

Stewart-Ross wrote on 7/5/2021, 6:11 AM

New installation of Soundforge 15 Pro (build 57). When I open a stored Soundforge project I can use the CD Authoring facilities to burn a disc using the disc-at-once option under Tools with no problem. However, if I try DPP Export from the Sound Forge Project file I get the following error message:

'SOUND FORGE Pro project files cannot be exported to another application'


The DDP export works fine when initially creating the Soundforge project, but on the window which has the original tracks (with the project file saved to a separate window). If the project is closed and re-opened I have found no way of getting the DDP export to work, other than to render the project file to a WAV or similar (which defeats the purpose of using an event-based non-destructive project file for edits).

Can I ask if this is a known error please, and is there any solution to it?



craig-d wrote on 7/5/2021, 7:07 AM

Hi! You should be running the DDP Export using the .wav, .flac, or other lossless format files, not the SF project files...the project files are for retrieving the information/organization of a project...but the project has to be in a defined file format to perform the DDP Export...the error doesn't happen before saving to a project file because before you save it as a project file, it has the default file format of the files you've loaded for the Export. I hope this helps!

Stewart-Ross wrote on 7/5/2021, 7:35 AM

Thank you Craig. The project file points to the individual WAV files themselves; the inconsistency here is that the WAVs files are correctly output to disc using the burn disc-at-once dialogue but not the DDP export immediately below burn disc at once in the menus (it is not greyed out at all):

Burn Disc-at-Once works fine:

Selecting DDP export does not. It's the same wav files that are being referenced, simply indirectly using the project data.

Anyway, you are quite right that if I render the project to a new set of WAV files I can then use DDP output. What I don't understand is why that should be necessary, when it is not necessary for the burn disc options.

