
rraud wrote on 6/14/2021, 4:11 PM

Hi @Former user,
I am not certain what you are referring to. Can you post a screen-shot and/or be more specific of what your wish to change.
Otherwise in most all versions of SF Pro, the toolbar can be customized in "View> Toolbars> Customize" (or "Options> Preferences> Toolbars").

Former user wrote on 6/14/2021, 9:22 PM

@rraud Have a look at the box to the left.

You see all those iZotope elements plugins, among others? (Export, mastering, effects, etc..? ) I want to change that and put things important to me.

rraud wrote on 6/15/2021, 11:31 AM

AFAIK, the 'Instant Actions' items cannot be customized (like the main toolbar). You can contact Magix support for a definitive answer.

Former user wrote on 6/15/2021, 2:23 PM

So, the user is stuck with these options that are not really useful to them when s/he can put options that really matter. iZotope is expensive and the elements are not really that good. The user, who may not have iZotope needs to be reminded, 'I have useless things on my instant actions menu'.

rraud wrote on 6/15/2021, 3:23 PM

You are not the only user to complain about the lack of 'instant actions' customization.
No one on this 'users' forum is a Magix employee, so contact Magix customer service with your 'instant actions' displeasure.
Sorry I can not help. I can only pass along this issue to my Magix contacts as I recall doing with SFP-14.

Former user wrote on 6/15/2021, 5:34 PM

@rraud Sure, I have contacted Magix. My ire is directed at the program designers, not you. Certainly, the developers ought to think of the users' best interests. It is surprising Magix does not think this way.

Rednroll wrote on 6/16/2021, 9:18 AM

I honestly never knew that instant actions window existed until pointed out. Yes, agree it would be better to be able to customize it.

What I would suggest is do something similar to what I have done for a more user customizable approach....and is the likely reason I didn't know that actions window view existed. That is to make use of organizing your plugins in the "Plug-in Manager" Window instead.

The plugin manager is similar to Windows explorer where you can create folders and group plugins to your preferences by placing your plugins into folders as well as rename your plugins if you want. I know you also use Acid Pro, where Acid also has that same Plugin Manager view with similar capabilities. So therefore for myself, it keeps my workflow the same when working between Acid and Sound Forge...I'm always looking at similar views while working between these different apps. I don't believe AP has that same instant actions view, so it makes that view undesirable for me to start using it within Sound Forge. I like consistency.

Here's an example of my Sound Forge Plugin Manager View. Under the "ALL" top folder I created sub folders of plugin categories and grouped my plugins by those categories which fit my preference. It's completely user customizable, so you could create a folder named "Mastering" and place plugins in it, that you use for Mastering and additionally create sub folders under the Mastering folder if you wish. There's also the "Favorites" menu within there as well, where you can tag your favorite plugins which will then additionally show up under the Favorites view.

rraud wrote on 6/16/2021, 9:41 AM

Same as Red, I use the plug-in manager (aka, Fx Favorites> Organize) for oft-used plug-ins and category folders.