Creating SFX - managing level and crest factor with compression

David-Rees wrote on 6/23/2022, 7:29 PM

I am working on a Sound Effects project, generating short sfx (clicks, beeps, chimes, marimba) that play on a specific piece of hardware and speaker.  I use Sound Forge Pro 13 to edit audio.  The client has given me specifics on the volume level and "crest factor". I've never worked with crest factor before.  The client suggested "using compression to make the average level ~-14 dB FS and a crest factor between 9-15 dB."    A few questions:  Are there any tools in the Sound Forge 13 that I could use to see and modify (compress) the "crest factor" to the client's specs.     I have a separate question in that I'm trying to understand why the client wants me to manage the "crest factor" of the sound. The sfx get crunched to 16bit-16khz wav files, before ultimately being converted to 32kb/s opus files. I'm wondering if managing the "crest factor" helps with any clipping that may occur at play back time.  Any insight is appreciated.


rraud wrote on 6/24/2022, 1:56 PM

Hi @David-Rees, I am not sure what you mean by 'crest factor' but would assume is full-scale peak decibes. Sound Forge Pro has various meter types and can also produce a printable 'Statistics' table which is significantly faster than observing the real-time meters on long files. The Statistics process includes full scale Peak and RMS decibel (dB), LU/LK loudness: true peak, short peak, momentary peak, loudness range.. plus the all important integrated loudness factor for accurate broadcast and streaming level measurement. The Statistics table also shows the pertinent max/min peak and RMS timeline positions.

Sound Forge Pro includes at least four compressor/limiters and volume maximizers. Many, many more third-party comp/limiters are available for free or otherwise. Everyone has their favorite for a specific type of work in terms of sound and UI.