Creating Custom Settings

Jeria-Backstrom wrote on 6/30/2021, 10:30 AM

I'm using Sound Forge 12.1 64-bit on a Windows 10 laptop to manage existing wav files for my IVR system. I need to be able to save altered files with the following parameters:

Audio Format: CCITT u-Law

Audio rate: 8

Audio bit rate: 64 kbps

Audio bit depth: 16 bit

Channel: mono

Previous versions contained these parameters and I had no issues. Now this version only allows me to set these parameters as .raw format not .wav. If I set the bit rate with one of the options available as a .wav file it results in grabbled, unintelligible and high pitch recordings.

I understand that I could just save the file once I've made changes, however to adhere to change management I need to save the file with a change date.

Can anyone advise me as I'm not an audio expert.



rraud wrote on 6/30/2021, 5:56 PM

Sorry @Jeria-Backstrom, I am not familiar with that type of work. Is there a specific codec, or does it write PCM audio with a different extension and metadata? A bit rate parameter would indicate it's not PCM audio. Exactly what options did the legacy SF versions have that SF-15 does not.
In any case, I think you should just request Magix Sound Forge Tech Support .. unless other users have knowledge of this issue.

Jeria-Backstrom wrote on 6/30/2021, 7:10 PM

Cisco Unified Call Center Express G711

Rednroll wrote on 7/1/2021, 12:56 AM

I'm unfamiliar with and never used that format in SF. However, you did mention you used that format on previous versions of SF. Any chance you still have those versions available and could install them?

Where I'm going with this is that all the audio codecs which Sound Forge uses are typically stored in a folder named "FileIO Plug-Ins" under your Sound Forge install directory.

If you're able to install one of those older versions of Sound Forge, there often is a possibility that you can grab that particular DLL file and drop it into newer version "FileIO Plug-ins" folder and see it reappear in the newer version.

Also on the same related topic, there is also an editable configuration text file in the top directory named "Release.fio2007-config". This is a configuration file which SF reads upon startup which tells it where those DLL codec files are located.

Here's the contents of that file from the latest SF Pro v15. You may notice in this list there's an entry for "ac3plug" which was also removed from newer versions of Sound Forge and replaced with the "ac3studioplug". Some of us have preferred working with the original ac3plug and have been saavy enough to drop that "ac3plug.dll" file into a folder named "ac3plug" in our newer release versions of Sound Forge. Just a thought if it could help solve your problem.😉

ac3plug=FileIO Plug-Ins\ac3plug\ac3plug.dll
ac3studioplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\ac3studioplug\ac3studioplug.dll
aifplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\aifplug\aifplug.dll
atracplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\atracplug\atracplug.dll
aviplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\aviplug\aviplug.dll
compoundplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\compoundplug\compoundplug.dll
flacplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\flacplug\flacplug.dll
lpecplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\lpecplug\lpecplug.dll
mcmp4plug2=FileIO Plug-Ins\mcmp4plug2\mcmp4plug2.dll
mcmp4plug=FileIO Plug-Ins\mcmp4plug\mcmp4plug.dll
mcplug2=FileIO Plug-Ins\mcplug2\mcplug2.dll
mp3plug2=FileIO Plug-Ins\mp3plug2\mp3plug2.dll
mp4plug3=FileIO Plug-Ins\mp4plug3\mp4plug3.dll
mxfplug3=FileIO Plug-Ins\mxfplug3\mxfplug3.dll
oggplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\oggplug\oggplug.dll
qt7plug=FileIO Plug-Ins\qt7plug\qt7plug.dll
rawplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\rawplug\rawplug.dll
sflgaplg=FileIO Plug-Ins\sflgaplg\sflgaplg.dll
sfpaplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\sfpaplug\sfpaplug.dll
swfplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\swfplug\swfplug.dll
wavplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\wavplug\wavplug.dll
wmfplug4=FileIO Plug-Ins\wmfplug4\wmfplug4.dll
sfinstr=FileIO Plug-Ins\sfinstr\sfinstr.dll
directshowplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\DirectShowPlug\DirectShowPlug.dll
mxfhdcamsrplug=FileIO Plug-Ins\mxfhdcamsrplug\mxfhdcamsrplug.dll
mxfp2=FileIO Plug-Ins\mxfp2\mxfp2.dll
mxfxavc=FileIO Plug-Ins\mxfxavc\mxfxavc.dll

Rednroll wrote on 7/1/2021, 1:02 AM

Also a great tool to assist in identifying which files may be missing and different DLL revision versions is a freeware program called WinMerge. It allows you to compare the contents of 2 folders, and will show you any files that are missing compared to the other, as well as show version numbers of each DLL. So it may involve going back to an older version DLL if you are unable to identify a particular missing DLL.