Sorry for such a late reply but had to look into this further.
Unfortunately Dolby Labs has withdrawn all licences to every video editing package I can find. So there is no way I know of to get a Blu-ray player to play any file produced for burning. Videos can be exported via Windows WMV files but would need to be played back via computer.
You may find an older copy Movie Edit Pro or Video Pro X that still has access to the main concept encoder that would give you access to aac 5.1 surround sound but that is now sadly missing from the new offerings. At least it is in MEP 2022. I don't know about VPX 13.
I have revisited this as I just noticed an image I took of MEP 2021 and and went to see if the option was still in MEP 2022.
If you use the Export function within MEP as follows you can at least export a file with a 5.1 AC3 surround sound track. Whether or not that can be exported to a Blu-ray disc I have no idea.