
pete-thomas wrote on 3/29/2022, 4:29 AM

1.How do  convert sounpools to copyright free currently I have paid the extra for 10 soundpoold but there are 5 others that I would like to convert without having to buy and download again. is there a way to do this.

2. I have a number of tunes which I constructed using Magix in 1998-2001, My management would like to release these commercially are there any Copyright implications?


SP. wrote on 3/29/2022, 4:59 AM


1. You need to buy them again. There is no other way.

2. It depends. What Soundpools did you use back then? Do you still own the Soundpool CDs? On them are documents that should tell you, if you can use them commercially. Some Soundpools that were released back then can only be used in non-commercial projects, for example

Techno Trance Vol. 1
Rock Pop Vol. 1
Rock Pop Vol. 2
Funny Vocals
Cool Vocals