Copy Velocity mapping to ModWheel

Jesnie wrote on 3/23/2021, 2:48 PM

Good evening, morning, afternoon, or what it is at your place.

Is it possible to copy the velocity mapping over to modwheel? Got a VST that do not react to velocity, but requires a modwheel mapping.
I am not used to use the modwheel, and it is getting a bit annoying to manually set it in each midi object.

I hope you understand wht i am asking :)


SP. wrote on 3/23/2021, 5:01 PM

@Jesnie What do you want to do? Changing velocity to mod wheel CC while playing or copying velocity values to mod wheel CC after recording?

I don't think you can convert velocity to mod wheel CC inside Samplitude. You can convert CC values to velocity with the help of automation lanes but I don't know a way to do it vice versa.

There are plugins like midiConverter3 or midiNotesToCC that should be able to change the value while playing but it is tedious to set this up in Samplitude.

  1. Track 1 is for recording the orginal MIDI and track 2 is for recording the changed MIDI.
  2. You would need to add this effects to a track 1 of your choice then open the plugin, select the conversion you want (velocity to mod wheel CC) , select Plugin > VST MIDI Out, then create a new track 2, right click on Record and select VST MIDI Out Recording. Be sure to set the MIDI in and outs of your tracks correctly so you only record what you need and not the unchanged input MIDI. This means track 2 should not have the same MIDI input as track 1.
  3. Then you need to play the song and record the MIDI out.
  4. Then you need to disable VST MIDI out of your chosen track 1 and deactivate recording on the new track 2.
  5. You can then extract the recorded controller curves from your recorded MIDI object with Object > Edit > Extract Controller Curves from MIDI file.
  6. Then you can open the curves and copy and paste them to your orignal track as an automation curve for Mod Wheel with the Automation > Edit selected curve > Copy/Paste commands.
  7. Repeat for each track 1 you need in your project. 😱😵


Jesnie wrote on 3/23/2021, 5:47 PM

Gonna give it a try with the plugins to see how it fares.

Got a little Doctor Who medley arrangement, with 49 tracks, and about 25 min. long, and i am getting tired from the manuel labour. Dont get me wrong its was interresting for the first 6 seconds, but then it got boring.

Thanks man, i'l see if this is the for me. 25 min. pr. track beats one 45 min. pr. track.

SP. wrote on 3/23/2021, 6:48 PM

@Jesnie 49 Tracks with about 25 minutes EACH? 😨

OK, that will take a lot of time.

I have bought a tool called Synfire some years ago where I can just copy/paste the velocity to the modulation controller. If you want to try it for yourself you can get a demo version here I believe the demo works for 60 days and can be renewed for another 30 to 60 days by asking the developer.

I could make a step by step guide how to import your MIDI and copy the values over from velocity to modulation.

Jesnie wrote on 3/23/2021, 8:00 PM

@SP. Nah I found a way.

The reason i have all these tracks, is because of the Long, Short, pizz, and tremolo parts. Each string instrument takes up four tracks, woodwinds and brass takes up two tracks each.

So i just take the original midi file, map the vel. over to the modulation, and then copy paste it to the different parts. Easy. And i can watch some doctor who while i am doing it.

But thanks for the offer :-)