Copy and past one audio channel to two?

Former user wrote on 5/26/2020, 3:30 AM

I have a recording device I am not yet fully familiar with. I used a mono mic and the device automatically recorded onto one channel. Right now I have an audio interview recorded onto left channel only. How do I copy and paste that audio onto right channel as well in Sound Forge? I could make the track mono and have the same audio come from left/right, or cut and past one to right so the same signal is on both ears. Any suggestions as to how I would accomplish this with SF?


rraud wrote on 5/26/2020, 10:50 AM

Hi @Former user and welcome to the Magix Sound Forge forum.

I always convert dialog to mono if there is not any spacial content. Easiest way IMO, right-click the "Stereo" format box (lower-right, on the status bar) and select "Mono", a context menu will have options to choose Left, Right or Both channels. Basically the same for converting mono-to-stereo. Otherwise the "Process> Channel converter" could be used.

FYI, A single-channel mono file will playback equally through both left and right speakers , just like a two-channel mono file.....
Single-channel files are a little easier to edit, and are half the size of a two-channel file.. in the PCM file format. Note; does not apply to lossy file types.

Former user wrote on 5/26/2020, 5:59 PM

@rraud Thanks for this. I agree with you that editing a mono signal is easier, I just need to figure out how to make the device record as mono and and not stereo when using a mono (shotgun) mic. My work flow is as follows, when recording interview footage, I use both a lav and shotgun (sometimes even a field mic as well), onto separate SD cards. That way I have a great back up system in case audio fails on any device. Ideally, I marry the two sources on a DAW because the lav tends to pick the lower end of the interviewees' voice, and the shotgun mic, the higher range. I figure to marry the raw audio footage on either Sound Forge or Vegas Pro. There is also the step of adding sound effects, background music and so on and the final mix--which I suspect would be best done on Sound Forge. Apparently it can import/export video. And yes, I record in lossless, WAV format.

rraud wrote on 5/26/2020, 6:55 PM

Having two different sources can be disastrous if played back in mono. phasing, comb filtering, ect.

That said, Assuming you have SF Pro 11 or later, creative 'new' file and set the properties to mono.

- Go to "Options> Preferences> Audio" and select the 'Record' tab.
- Confirm or select the desired record device type
- Go to "View> Record options" and make any parameter changes if so desired.
- Leave the "Record options" window open and select "Arm" (shortcut: Ctrl+ Shift+ A)
- Viewing the record level meters in the Record options window, make any necessary level adjustments in the audio source
- Commence recording by selecting "Record" in the transport (shortcut: Ctrl+ R) .

This should record a single-channel (mono) file.

Former user wrote on 5/27/2020, 1:53 AM

@rraud Thanks for your response, I was able to convert the left-channel-only audio to mono. To clarify, I always record (field footage) onto SD cards. One mic (lav or shotgun) is plugged into the camera (lav) and the other (shotgun) is plugged into a Tascam DR60 MK II, which is the one I am struggling to learn. There is also an old Zoom H2 if I need more audio sources. The lav records stereo and the shotgun records mono. I am not sure if phasing will be an issue if mic placements are different. Because I subscribe to Vegas Pro, I have access to Sound Forge audio studio 14.Normally, I use Audacity for recording voice-over-to-computer, but will try with Soundforge. For voice-over work, I have a home-built recording studio like this one:

Using Soundforge to record out in the field would not be practical for me at this time.


Here is another issue I discovered, the interview audio signal is recorded too low on the Tascam (am making many mistakes as I learn it). Normally I solve this problem in Audacity by using the 'amplify' effect. Does Sound Forge have something similar?

rraud wrote on 5/27/2020, 10:11 AM

"'amplify' effect. Does Sound Forge have something similar?"
> Normalize, volume (or volume envelope) A 'volume maximizer' can bring up low levels and even things out nicely. The free LoudMax VST plug-in is favored of many. I use the two-stage Sound Forge Wave Hammer legacy plug-in a lot . There are many more peak limiters/volume maximizers available, free and otherwise. Vegas Pro is my go-to app for dialog editing. I will open a file in Sound Forge from within VP if 'surgery' is needed..

FWIW, recording in a 24 bit PCM format will help keep noise down when boosting levels in post is necessary. Some of the new recorders from Sound Devices and Zoom offer 32 bit (floating bit point) technology. Specifically, SD's MixPre II series and the Zoom F6

Former user wrote on 5/28/2020, 2:47 AM

@rraud I do have Loudmax in my VST plugins folder, both 64 and 32 bit, but Sound Forge will not recognize it. Nor do I see any 'wave hammer' available. Can you perhaps suggest another volume maximizer? Something Sound Forge can recognize? Or, is there a way to 'fire up' Loudmax on it?

I have heard good things about the MixPre II from sound designers, the Zoom F6 looks great, both are out of my range at this time. I used DaVinci Resolve (lite) for years, but am hitting limitations. That is why I am going with Vegas Pro, to see if I can break past some walls that 'freemium' products have.

rraud wrote on 5/28/2020, 11:34 AM

Confirm the <LoudMax.dll> flle in one of SF's VST search folders "Options> Preferences> VST Effects". .

VSTs by default are frequently placed in "Program files> Steinberg> vst", 32 bit VSTs can be in the "Program files (x86)> Steinberg> vst".

AFAIK, Wave Hammer is not included with AS. However, just about any peak limiter can be used to boost and normalize levels.. some are very complex to set up for non-audio folks, like the five-stage TDR Limiter No 6. OTOH, Kjaerhus Audio Classic Master Limiter has just two parameters, Threshold and makeup gain, the final output ceiling will not exceed 0.0 dBFS no matter what.


Former user wrote on 5/29/2020, 12:43 AM

@rraud @rraud Thanks, the plugins are working now, the preferences helped me point to where the plugins were installed. The Kjaerhaus audio is no longer available, but the Loudmax is functional at least. It seems to do a really good job! Does Sound Forge have normalization? Or would you also use a plug in for that as well? I am running the 64 bit version of Sound Forge, I don't suppose I can run 32 bit plugins on that, or would you suggest a seperate 32 bit version of Sound Forge? I read that Tokyo Dawn makes very good plugins and audio people I know use Kjaerhus plugins. Slim pickings on free 64 bit, but plenty of 32 bit.

I tested Sound Forge for voice-over with my USB mic, an older Apogee 96K and it looks/sounds good. Tomorrow I will use it for a project.

Thanks for your help! I am starting to get the hang of these programs...

rraud wrote on 5/29/2020, 9:45 AM

32 bit VST plug-in run just fine in 64 bit SF Pro. A few 32 bit Direct X plug-ins do not. I have both 32 and 64 bit SF Pro versions installed, so I can run my go-to DX plugs that will not run on 64 bit SF. I can not detect a significant advantage in the 64 plug-ins, in fact they open a little slower than their 32 bit counterparts.

When both 32 and 64 bit versions of SF are installed, they share most of the settings and user customization and only count as one activation. When updates are issued, install in the 64 bit version first.

The Kjaerhaus Audio classic series VST plug-in are no longer supported but are available, Search or try,

I frequently use the TDR No. 6 limiter as the last plug in a mastering chain. There is a fine line between enough and too much though and it is easy to cross. I rarely use all five stages