The older versions of MEP would allow output to "non standard" formats. The big problem I have is that I do 3D videos and slides. I want to output them at full resolution, but this is not possible to MP4. I have to output them as side by side because MEP does not support the MP4 3D standard. But if I try to output them at 2160 height, I need to have the width 7680, and MEP 2015 gags on this. I can output them as an AVI with HUFFY UV encoding or uncompressed, but the files are enormous. OK the big file can be converted to MP4 using Any Video Converter, but this is a 2 step operation which takes extra time and gobs of disk space. Is there a way to turn off the standard format checking????
Actually an output option for 3D MP4 would be very good and it is available on some of the competitors.
The other problem is that just selecting 3D side by side full width output produces garbage. I have to manually double the width, but that should be done automatically. Sometimes I forget, and waste a huge amount of time.
An allied problem is that I output selected individual frames as jpg's, but from one time to the next it forgets the output setting and ALWAYS defaults to 2D. It remembers other settings such as frame width, advanced settings, but does not remember the 3D format setting. This is a big inconvenient inconsistency.
Selecting various frames for jpg output is vwery inconvenient because it always defaults to the same name so I have to always type in a new name. Why can't it do what other programs such as photot editors do and create new names each time. It could just add an incrementing number to the end. Or a really good solution would be to have it add the frame number of frame time to the end. The latter is my preferred solution but implementing both as options should be trivially easy.
Another beef is that when selecting jpg output there does not seem to be any option for selecting the compression ratio. I suppose I could select BMP and then convert it, but BMP produces large files plus requires the extra conversion to jpg step. An option to output TIF would be better than BMP.
I find that MEP is one of the best way to produce slide shows. I can easily input the pictures, and then overlay captions to the side or below the pictures. Then by outputting jpgs of each picture I now have nicely captioned pictures which can tell a story. OK, I can make a video, but that produces huge files, and the jpgs are smaller. In addition the jpgs can be zoomed if output at high resolution plus reordering them is very easy. So an output option to make jpgs automatically from a "slide show" would be super. It could just make a jpg from the middle or beginning of each segment which corresponds to each picture. An option to default in output to the original picture rsolution might also be nice.
Finally, closed captioning is not available, but it is on some competing products. Basically designating one track as closed captions would be a great feature. Since historically track 3 is generally used for regular captions, that would be the one to use for closed captioning. This is another format that should be supported. Multiple closed captions for various languages could be supported in the premium seperate version, but just a single track closed caption would be best for most home users.