Connecting a usb microphone to Music Maker 2014

maxine.magallanez wrote on 4/12/2014, 12:13 PM

I have a Windows 8 computer and i am using Music Maker 2014 Premium. I have been trying to connect my microphone to my computer but i just cant get it to work. I looked up under the tutorials and i saw one about connecting with music maker 2013. I fiddled with it and finally got the microphone to work, however, the music isnt playing with it and its delayed a bit. once i take Music Makers audio playback settings off of ASIO4ALL no sound comes out of anything. I have searched on youtube for tutorials but i have had no luck. I have a blue Yeti Usb Microphone.


thank you in advance


nihon94 wrote on 4/12/2014, 12:30 PM

You got nice microphone.

It seems some where you are making mistake in settings. First please read the pdf tutorial so you will know where settings are needed and confirm that if you have done correctly or not.

It seems Yeti pdf manual does not allow copying text therefore, giving you a link to download pdf and read Page 6 Getting started with yeti. May be that will help you.


maxine.magallanez wrote on 4/14/2014, 12:29 PM

Thank you nihon94,

I have tried your suggestions, but it still isnt working. The microphone is being read from my computer and says it is ready to use. Music Maker is telling me I cant use anything except ASIO4All still. Is there any way I can stop using ASIO4all as a playback? I feel that ASIO playback isnt compatible with the mic? Not sure, I am very new to PC, and Music Maker 2014, so thank you for your help :).

nihon94 wrote on 4/14/2014, 2:20 PM


Thank you nihon94,

I have tried your suggestions, but it still isnt working. The microphone is being read from my computer and says it is ready to use. Music Maker is telling me I cant use anything except ASIO4All still. Is there any way I can stop using ASIO4all as a playback? I feel that ASIO playback isnt compatible with the mic? Not sure, I am very new to PC, and Music Maker 2014, so thank you for your help :).


Is there any way I can stop using ASIO4all as a playback?

If you open program settings GENERAL there is a ASIO Driver (my version is not 2014 may be same in yours) if you click on the drop down menu here you can choose ASIO driver please try other than ASIO4all.

Thank you
