Commercial use when used only instruments (Music Maker 2020 Steam)

Eetu-Halttunen wrote on 8/7/2023, 2:45 PM


I'm composer and use Music Maker 2020 to make music. I have bought Music Maker from Steam, if that is important.

Can i sell/monetize my music and add them on Spotify etc, if i have used Music Makers instruments i have bought, (String ensemble, cinematic synth and soundscapes, choir, concert grand etc.) even i have used the instruments presets without changing sound settings much? (Atmospheric sounds or synth leads like Alice from DN-e1 or those preset piano sounds etc for example.) 

I haven't used or don't use those Soundpool loops or sound samples when i compose. Everything is played by myself with midi-keyboards or made with that midi-worktable. Is then okay to use my music on commercial purposes, even i used those sound presets like they are ready on those instruments without changing the sound settings much or at all?

Sorry about bad english, i hope you all understand what i'm trying to solve.


SP. wrote on 8/7/2023, 2:59 PM

@Eetu-Halttunen Yes, you can use all music composed by yourself commercially without any additional licenses. You don't even need to change the presets.

It's only important that you must not use the example MIDI files included in the Vita Instruments.