Hi Kids...yet another question. I'm editing a wedding video that is actually 3 days of events, so it's quite long. I really had no idea of the total length until I was done, but I was shooting for around 1 1/2 hours of edited video per DVD. I edited my segments as individual projects and saved them. After I was done, it turned out that a reallocation of segments would produce four 1 hour disks. So I wanted to combine my already edited and saved projects and restructure them into new lengths. However, whenever I tried to add a saved project to one I already had open, a requester came up asking me if I wanted to add it to the already open project. This was great and I said yes. However, it doesn't add it, it just opens a new window and saves the old window. While it's true enough you can toggle back and forth, and cut and paste, when you save the new project, the old window is saved along with it. this can result in problems when it comes to burning. Is there a way to delete the unneeded window after the cut and paste operation? Also, while I'm at it, the cut and paste method is truly more of a kludge than a feature. Without sounding harsh, are any of the programmers actual video editors, or do they consult with folks who do this sort of thing. It's sometimes maddening how non intuitive this program can be.