I am new to magix
I have found a guitar riff that I like and would like to base a song around and I am trying to get MMM to change the chord played.
I understand there are 7 chords availabe using the pitch buttons but none of them sound remotely similar (same pattern or phrasing).
What I want to do is litterally change from an Am chord to a C chord with the exact same pattern of play and pitch changes, what MMM gives me when I change pitch is total garbage as from one chord change to the next the sound, phrasing and rythm changes so much as to make it totally unusable.
I am using the GuitSolo A sound pool from the Best of Disco House Vol.1
Change the pitch to number 2 and you get this
Help, If I cant do this then this product is waste of time and money
Secondly, I bought MMM rock Edition.
I see on the main site that there mention of a loop designer which I cannot find in MMM Rock edition. Have I bought the wrong version? I assumed that all MMM versions were the same but the sound pools provided free were associated with the style of music chosen.