
bvolbeda wrote on 12/8/2024, 6:40 PM

Does the company not check this forum.

Bol wrote on 12/9/2024, 3:48 AM



Welcome to the forum for and by Magix users. There are no Magix Supporters here.

If you want to get an answer from Magix Support itself, go to: Help & Support - MAGIX and click on Use our contact form and fill it out as best as possible.


Last changed by Bol on 12/9/2024, 3:51 AM, changed a total of 2 times.

Als een kwestie onoplosbaar lijkt, komt dat niet omdat je de oplossing niet ziet, maar omdat je het probleem niet ziet.

If an issue seems unsolvable, it is not because you do not see the solution, but because you do not see the problem.

PC -1-

PC -2-