Can You Set a MIDI Recording Point Somewhere Other than the Beginning of the Song/Track?

mrtrumpet wrote on 2/8/2014, 2:51 PM

I am recording from a keyboard into a MIDI track.  The first four measures are OK, and I don't want to re-record them if I can help it.  Can I somehow set a record point after the 4 good measures to record the next part of the song?  If so, how does one do that?





Former user wrote on 2/8/2014, 6:45 PM

After the opening 4 bars, you stop, then you mpve down  and open a new track by click and drag the next piece of music up to the new track...I hope i am understanding your question correctly...if that is the case, then yu need to look aat some of the tutorials.  The will be a big help to you...they were/are to me   

mrtrumpet wrote on 2/9/2014, 10:09 AM


Thanks.  That's what I had been doing.  I thought, however, there might be a way to simply set the marker in some way so the software knew to start recording in that spot.  But this works too!



Former user wrote on 2/9/2014, 6:52 PM

Actually I do believe you can move the start marker to wherever yu want...never really tried it myself,m but messig around I have moved the start marker in error andalways moved it back to the beginning.  You're jsut adding another step to your project, and trust day you'll forget to move it back loose stuff you wanted to keep and now its become a do all  over...and who wants that.