Can I restart an interrupted installation?

Mark-Jegi wrote on 6/21/2021, 10:57 AM

Hello - I have purchased an upgrade to Sound Forge release 15. The installation process has taken more than 10 hours due to Wi-Fi speed, which extended into my automatic Windows Update period. The installation message acknowledged a need to update and restart my computer, then sat there waiting for my response. I had no other option but to let the Windows update run, since the Magix installation process was dead-in-the-water.

I have not found any "knowledge base" entry that addresses restarting an interrupted installation. The frustrating part is by adding "Music Maker" to the install, my download & install process extended into my Windows Update availability schedule without having properly installed anything due to its "all or nothing" design. While the installation window shows the Sound Forge installation at 100%, the interrupted installation has not made this product available to execute.

Can anyone tell me whether Magix supports restarting an interrupted installation? If so, by what means? If my only option is to begin another 10 hour set of unnecessary downloads, then I do not intend to upgrade and will "make do" with release release 13.

Thank you.