Burning CDs in ACL 15 with album and track info?

ulftho wrote on 3/7/2013, 1:41 PM

 Is it possible in ACL 15 to create an audio CD with album and track info so that you can subsequently load it into a music player application like the iTunes and get the iTunes to import the CD and read all the album and track info?
I have transferred some old cassette recordings to VIP-projects with connected wav-files.  From these projects I want to create CDs, similar to commercial audio CDs, that would be playable on standard stand-alone CD-players (no computer or network connections). I would also like to import those CDs to iTunes on my Mac and in that process get access to the album and track info.
As for creating mp3-files, how do I attach track and album info to the created file in such a way that it can be recognized when imported by iTunes?
I am using the ACL 15 with an ASUS laptop and as far as I can see the ACL 15 is working fine. I have also tried to decipher the ACL manual, but find it evasive on these matters. Possibly I am not familiar with the relevant lingo.


Former user wrote on 3/8/2013, 7:17 PM

What do you mean by album and track info ? Do you mean just the music itself or include the liner notes from the back of tahe album cover ? You can record all of your cassettes and albums and re-arrange tahe order in which they wil appear on you CD....how professional is a little doubtful using a laptop unless you have a USB external soundcard....which will make a big difference in both the recording and playback. Good luck

ulftho wrote on 3/10/2013, 6:28 AM

Thanks gnarly,

Waiting for an answer I did some trial-and-error and that way found out how to get info on artist name, album name etc tacked to CDs and mp3 files. I have been informed that my laptop may have a sound card badly suited for use with ACL. Using the MAGIX preamp I seemingly get fairly good recordings and once the sound is on file I can export it and play it on any other playback module and thus jump the bad link of the chain.

