Burning a DVD: What does all these mean?

LeCanadien wrote on 1/12/2017, 11:00 AM

Hi dear Magix Gurus,

When I want to burn my masterpiece onto a DVD, the following dialog box is displayed:
"VTS_01_1.VOB Should the existing file be used for the film <film_name>?".

Then two checkboxes are displayed:
* Rewrite chapter menu and chapter information
* Rewrite film menu & navigation structure

Then five buttons are displayed:
* Encode all
* Encode
* Use
* Use All
* Cancel

These are my questions:
1. Why is it asking if I want to use the "existing file"? Should I select a "non-existing file?" If so HOW? Where? Should I? I did not know that I was using such file in first place!

2. What are the implications of using (or not using) those two check boxes? Why should I "rewrite" that info? What does it really mean?

3. From all the five buttons described here, the only one that is intuitive is the "Cancel" one ;)
What's the difference between "Encode All" and "Use All"? If I encode all am I not "using them all"? Again, what do they really mean? What's the difference between "Use All" and "Use"? Use what? Encode what?

I haven't found any example, description, explanation about any these functions anywhere (yet) and I haven't had time to go over all the forum either.
Can you please point me to a tutorial on these things?

Really and greatly appreciated


emmrecs wrote on 1/13/2017, 3:58 AM

That message means there is already at least one file ("VTS_01_1_VOB") in the folder you have designated for storing the DVD files for your project, strongly implying that you have previously started the exporting/burning process for this project, and then, perhaps, cancelled it. OR are you not actually designating a project-specific folder to store the DVD files, but rather a general one, something like "..:\DVD Image Files..."? In which case MEP/VPX "sees" the already existing VOB files, perhaps for another project, and needs to know whether to use them or overwrite them. (This is unlikely since, by default, MEP creates a new folder for the VOBs, named after whatever name you have given to your MEP Project.)

When you realise what the core message means, as above, perhaps the other buttons/tick-boxes become more obvious! MEP needs to know whether it should use the existing VOB files in the designated folder (as above) or overwrite them; whether it should use any already-created chapter menu, chapter information, film menu and navigation structure, or create them afresh.

As to those buttons: if you choose "Encode all", MEP will overwrite any existing VOBs and begin the export afresh; if you choose "Encode" it will overwrite ONLY the VOB listed in the message screen; if you choose "Use" it will not overwrite the named file but use it in the project; if you choose "Use all" it will do exactly that and use ALL the VOB files in that directory to create the DVD; "Cancel" stops the entire export process.

I hope that helps!


Last changed by emmrecs on 1/13/2017, 3:59 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

LeCanadien wrote on 3/14/2018, 9:59 PM

Hey Jeff,

I'm sorry, I apologize for not replying to your explanation. It took me almost a year to reply :)

I remember this post because I am doing another project in "Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus" and needed to create a DVD to showcase my masterpiece :)

After finally creating the DVD menu and all that, I came across the same dialog box as explained in my initial post. The DVD was created successfully, BUT when I tried to play on my DVD/BlueRay player, the DVD was NOT recognized and showed an error instead. I tried different players, including laptops and other PCs, but same problem. The media was not recognized. Some laptops were able to play it, but most could not.

I then decided to recreate my project and final DVD using my copy of "Movie Edit Pro 16 Plus". The final DVD is fine and it plays in all same devices I tested the first media I created.

My question is: How come "Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus" could not create a valid, working, playable media? Do you know if there's a known issue with DVD burning on this particular version?

Thank you so much for your valuable insight.

johnebaker wrote on 3/15/2018, 7:11 AM


. . . . How come "Movie Edit Pro 2016 Plus" could not create a valid, working, playable media? Do you know if there's a known issue with DVD burning on this particular version? . . . . .

It can and does, in most cases where you get an unplayable disc this is caused by player incompatability due to:

  1. a player cannot recognise the disc, often caused by a very pale or dark dye layer.
  2. economy discs which are 'substandard'.
  3. a wrongly encoded disc type - this is the data that is prerecorded on the disc that identifies the manufacturer, dye type and laser power settings to be used during burning and other information about the disc.

Which menu template did you use for the DVD menu and did you make any modifications to it?

There were issues with older versions eg MEP 17 Plus and MX, having a problem with the menu template used however this was fixed in later versions.

John EB



VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 24H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.