Hi dear Magix Gurus,
When I want to burn my masterpiece onto a DVD, the following dialog box is displayed:
"VTS_01_1.VOB Should the existing file be used for the film <film_name>?".
Then two checkboxes are displayed:
* Rewrite chapter menu and chapter information
* Rewrite film menu & navigation structure
Then five buttons are displayed:
* Encode all
* Encode
* Use
* Use All
* Cancel
These are my questions:
1. Why is it asking if I want to use the "existing file"? Should I select a "non-existing file?" If so HOW? Where? Should I? I did not know that I was using such file in first place!
2. What are the implications of using (or not using) those two check boxes? Why should I "rewrite" that info? What does it really mean?
3. From all the five buttons described here, the only one that is intuitive is the "Cancel" one ;)
What's the difference between "Encode All" and "Use All"? If I encode all am I not "using them all"? Again, what do they really mean? What's the difference between "Use All" and "Use"? Use what? Encode what?
I haven't found any example, description, explanation about any these functions anywhere (yet) and I haven't had time to go over all the forum either.
Can you please point me to a tutorial on these things?
Really and greatly appreciated