Dear friends,
I have asked this question before as well. The effect can be incorporated altering the Tv. But how can the same (blurry effect) be achieved in he video mode?
Thanks for your help.
There are some video editing apps and plug ins that allow you to slectively blurr portions of the video, but I really cannot find a way to do it with MEP MX Premium. If it understand it correctly, the intent is to blurr the car which is moving quickly and not the people which are moving slower. This is easy to do with photographs, but not so much with video.
Blurring the entire scene is pretty easy with MEP, but selected areas a lot harder. You could use multiple overlays or tracks, use size and position to select certain part of the frame but aligning them would be a challenge to give it a smooth and consistent view. JMO
Dear George,
Thanks for the answer. But tell me even if I record the video with a less Tv (like the one we do for photographs to have the blurs) won’t it be not the same?
. . . . I record the video with a less Tv (like the one we do for photographs to have the blurs) . . . .
Yes and No - it all depends on whether you can get the shutter speed (Tv) slow enough and the Aperture value small enough or use Neutral Density filters to reduce the amount of light reaching the sensor to give a correctly exposed image. Tripod mounting or providing a steady base for the camera becomes almost a necessity.
Note your minimum shutter speed is a little higher then 1/25 or 1/30 sec depending on your framerate eg 25fps or 30fps
Interesting stuff! However, you have to remember that for objects to be blurred, they have to be moving when the shot is taken. Also, if the camera moves or shakes, everything will be blurry, thus one would need to use a tripod.
I think the question is really how to get that effect on objects that didn't move and are thus not blurred. As George pointed out, there are plugins to help do this. I will show some of the Pixelan effects below.
In MEP, it is possible to do something similar but it is labourious, by putting the same image on tracks 1 and 3 and using a mask on track 2. On track 1, slightly move the image left or right by using Size/Position. Use the alpha mask to show only the part on track 1 that you want to combine, resizing it if necessary. Then on the Chromakey effect screen and with the mask selected, reduce the video level until satisfied. Thus you get a somewhat blurred image, or double image in the masked area. Now export this to a video files, import it to track one, copy the original to track 3 and the mask to track 2 below the imported image. Move the image on track 1 slightly more, and you will now have a triple image in the mask. Adjust the Video level again to see what you like. Repeat until satisfied.
See the image below. The upper part has 1 phantom image of the girl, the second has 2 phantom images.
The gurus should be able to come up with something better, but that is my solution to do it in MEP without any outside help.
Below are some examples of Pixelan effects. The first is the same image as above but with more or less the same effect, BlurBenderPro, applied twice, once to each person. I then used a mask between the 2 images to get both effects to show.
The next ones show a couple of different BlurBenderPro effect with different masking.
This one has the effect restrained size by an inverted mask, all within Pixelan. These can be keyframed to follow the action if moving.
The next one has a non-inverted mask.
The last one is with Pixelan OrganiBlur.
Lots of fun! If you really want to do these things, I suggest that you look at the Pixelan and other plugins.
Hello John, thanks for the kind answer. Some doubts-----I want to have motion blurs in videos and yes the subjects must move. But you said it is difficult to achieve in shooting. What if I increase the fps and slow the Tv. Just a thought……will try today.
Finally the girl-phantom image, can you please show me through screen-shot? A humble request (A picture is actually worth 1000 words)