Best settings for MIDI Piano input MIDI works randomly .

CoolSpot2 wrote on 3/26/2014, 9:37 AM

So i connected Casio piano to MAGIX using midi cable .

pressed "P" and selected Casio 

So the delay between keyboard and magix is infulanced by Buffer rate and Sound driver .

In "P" using direct sound driver with 4000 by 4000 seems to work the best but i still have about 0.1 second delay. Any ideas? I don't know how to access my sound drivers buffer rate from control panel .

Some other issues:

Midi REC stops at 28.00 count everytime

Midi Input stops working completly at random even though i don't change settings . Its not the top Bars


Thank you


Former user wrote on 3/26/2014, 6:53 PM

l asked the same type of MIDI question on April 4, 2012 using MMMX program and it has been asked seeral times since then in various formats.....The data is being recorded, you just don't see it...why ? I don't know, but hitplayback and its all there....if I get a chance, I migaht do a little more research...or perhaps Johnebaker will come to our rescue.