It's probably obvious and my brain is over-strained with covid and the heat . . . but . . . I have mixed audio track that is the way I want it. Now I want to take that track and apply various effects to mangle it in different ways. Say I have five different vst plugins that I want to set up to apply to the track with an envelope overlaying my audio track for each plugin so I can alter the amount of the effect being blended in across the length of the track. I'm not looking (at this point) to record realtime automation. It's more like having set an effect, I want to apply a wet-dry mix of it into the track as it's playing so I can hear what I'm blending across the five plugins. Does that make sense or am I asking the impossible. I've looked around the net and spent about eight hours trying to tumble onto a solution but I can't get it to work. I've tried applying each effect to an individual bus but that doesn't produce anything in the way of sound alteration. What I think I want is an envelope tied to a specific effect overlaying the audio track. Does this make sense anywhere outside my own head?
Automate (create envelope for) an effect plugin.
wrote on 7/9/2020, 3:11 PM