Auto-Save Issue?

mellotronworker wrote on 9/16/2018, 1:22 AM

How does Acid Pro 8 auto-save a project?

I was working on something for a couple of hours this morning when what seems to be a rogue VST locked up and brought the whole of Acid 8-64 to its knees. On restarting it asked if I wanted to work from the auto-saved project, which of course I said 'yes' to. When it opened I found it was a carbon copy of the project in the condition it had been in two hours before, prior to me editing anything. (The ACD-BAK file was exactly the same, but I'd sort of expect that)


Djronrella wrote on 9/16/2018, 8:01 AM

I believe that auto save will only save last saved project. So if you save project two hrs ago? that is as far back auto save saves!.. I learned over time to every 15 minutes or so to save project especially if i added or changed project to a better song!..If i am wrong maybe someone can chime in!