Audio Track Individually in WAV not working for individual length

info595 wrote on 3/26/2014, 11:57 AM

How do I export multiple track with different lengths as a WAV file in Music Maker 2013.

If I export with the option "Audio track individually in WAV" it will export the tracks. The the length of the individual track is as long as the longest track. the shorter tracks have a long pauze at the end.


mrtrumpet wrote on 3/26/2014, 1:37 PM


I'm not an expert, but I'm finding that many things in MM 2014 may not be an "easy" way.  But It seems like the "hard" way might work.  That would be to copy each track, paste it into a new song, and go from there...





Procyon wrote on 3/26/2014, 7:46 PM

From what you've said, the "Audio track individually in WAV" sounds like a "batch" export.  But, MMM always exports whatever is between the Start and End markers, which are apparently at the beginnig and the end of the longest track (as they usually are unless you move them).

In MMM, the best way to export each track is individually (if that is what you are trying to do).  You would need to set an individual track to "solo"  and set the Start and End markers to the beginning of THAT particular track and then export.  You would have to do the same thing for each track.

info595 wrote on 3/27/2014, 1:10 PM

Then maybe I am using the wrong software. I recorded a live classical concert with applause in between each piece. I know other (paid and free) software can cut out the pieces and paste them on a new track. The new track will all have different times. Then I would do a batch export for all individual tracks. It is that easy. I will just use different software.