Russian Roullette
I downloaded the patch. MIDI editing still causes frequent lockups and crashes. MIDI notes still play when they shouldn't and usually the first time you try to audition a few new tracks the MIDI is a jumbled mess but it will straighten itself out after a few playback restarts.
Major issues with program freeze, lack of backup files and Music Maker projects becoming unplayable. The program will crash on every project eventually... but only after I attempt a mixdown export.
During composing and idea creation the program (even the MIDI) and sound works good. However, I soon as I try to create a mixdown file the crashing nonsense begins. The project will load but crashes when I press play. Also rarely is the program doing it's scheduled backups ( it might be but where??) Some projects have backup files (in the designated project save folder ) but most don't.
I've complained about audio lockups before and am asked what my settings are... it's an exhaustive list and I've tried all of 'em
These are my audio choices
Wave Driver / 16 bit or 24 bit
Choose from this group:
Audials Sound Capture / NVIDIA HDMI / Audials Sound Capture / Speakers (2-Behringer UMC404HD 192k)
Direct Sound
Choose from this group:
Primary Sound Driver / Audials Sound Capture / NVIDIA HDMI / Speakers (2-Behringer UMC404HD 192k)
ASIO driver
- None
Playback defaults to:
UMC ASIO Driver Out 1+2
- Magix Low Latency 2016
Choose from this group:
Magix Low Latency Out 1+2 / Magix Low Latency Out 3+4 / Magix Low Latency Out 5+6
- UMC Asio Driver
Choose from this group:
UMC Asio Driver Out 1+2 / UMC Asio Driver Out 3+4
WASAPI driver
- None
Playback defaults to:
UMC ASIO Driver Out 1+2
- Audials Sound Capturing
Playback defaults to:
UMC ASIO Driver Out 1+2
Playback defaults to:
UMC ASIO Driver Out 1+2
- Speakers (2-Behringer UMC404HD 192k)
Playback defaults to:
UMC ASIO Driver Out 1+2