Audio and Midi Metronome not in sync

--Pete wrote on 2/25/2018, 5:33 PM

My PC is a Windows 10 64-bit system with an SSD and i7 770 processor. I am also using a Saffire Pro 40 Firewire audio device.


Problem: The audio and midi metrnomes do not seem to be in sync.




1. With the audio metronome on, record playing my midi keyboard with one note on each beat.

2. Play the project back using the midi metronome.

3. Result: The midi metronome clicks are shifted relative to the notes I played on the beats of the audio metronome.


I believe my audio latency is low since, when I play my midi keyboard while recording, the notes play at the times I hit each key.


What can be the problem? Is there some other midi or buffer settings, etc that I need to change?






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