Hi all
I know this subject has shown its face on a few occasions before now, but the solutions offered don't work for me.
I have PhotoStory for CD/DVD 8, which I know is going back into the dark ages, but it's worked pretty well over the years I've been using it. Lately however it's started coming up with the message "A memory request has failed. It is possible that there is no more free memory or an internal error has occurred". I've tried the obvious stuff, like disabling virus checker and stopping all other running programs, but as soon as I try anything in the burn stage it flashes up that notice and locks up. It's only done it in the last month or so, and has worked relatively well for the previous five years. Yes, I know a program upgrade would presumably fix it, but that would require a change to a later Windows, which for now I don't want to do.
When I check the memory usage, running a large project with up to 10 slideshows, PhotoStory seems always to be grabbing hold of about 1.1GB, which is a lot, but there's ample available. My system is a Dell Dimension 5150 with 2.5 GB RAM and hundreds of GB spare disk storage, running XP SP3, which still works fine, if slowly, for everything else. And yes, I do know there's no updating available any more.
I'd be really grateful if anyone has a solution. Thanks in advance