Any way to scrub at faster speeds without changing pitch

TMIS03 wrote on 3/4/2021, 9:19 AM


I have been using Sound Forge Pro 12 and it would definitely help my efficiency if I was able to comb through files using the old "J,K,L" method of playing audio files at faster speeds/rates WITHOUT changing pitch.

I understand it's possible to use a plugin and process the files to play faster without changing pitch but then the timecode of the files will also change (Plus I don't want to perform any processing on the file(s) at all)

I also understand it's possible to simply go into Time Stretch, select the playback speed and hit "Preview", however this doesn't allow the ease of playing, quickly pausing at a specific moment in an audio file, making an edit/mark, then continuing. In my mind this would be best served by adjusting the scrub/playback rate, only when I do this the pitch changes as well.

I know Windows Media Player is capable of this (playing the file back at a faster rate without changing pitch/timecode and without any processing) but going between the two programs wastes a lot of time on big projects. Is there any way to currently accomplish this within Sound Forge?

In Pro Tools I know I can put an insert of a timewarp effect on the track with the audio file and have it set to the desired speed without changing pitch, which would get the job done but A.) I'm not sure how to best do this in Sound Forge and B.) This is a little more cumbersome and is perhaps a little overly complicated when there might be a better solution involving simply scrubbing/changing playback without changing pitch.

Have any ideas?


rraud wrote on 3/4/2021, 10:57 AM

Not that I am aware of. You can apply one of "Process> Time'"plug-ins in a chain, but I have not tried any of those with the scrubbing tool.

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users forum @TMIS03.

TMIS03 wrote on 3/4/2021, 11:05 AM

Thanks, I'll try and tinker around to see I can achieve this with a plug-in chain