Any suggestions on preamp for vocals??

Elkan wrote on 5/27/2009, 5:48 PM
Hi I'm thinking about buying a preamp for recording vocals.

1) Is it needed or is it just another gadget? Have you experienced a lot of difference using a preamp??

2) Which preamp can you recommend. I'm using an SE 2200 mic. I have looked at the GA-Project 73-pre.




NoTurning wrote on 5/27/2009, 11:55 PM
Well that is the question of the decade and it's hard to put a solid answer on... there are so many variables like type of music, type of voice, male/female and etc. with that being said let me give you my .02

First - the SE 2200 is not a bad mic; you could get a decent recording straight from it... it is a bit sterile and thin though and that brings you to your pre-amp (and possibly which direction to go.)

The GA-73 is new to me... I have no experience with it. It seems to be liked (in some circles) for vocals. I'd rather see you go with something like the ART MPA Gold 2 Channel Pre. It's very affordable and will make your particular mic sound spectacular. The warmth of the tube is great especially for male vocals but the variable impedance allows you to really find that vocal sound you're looking for.  A good pre-amp is a necessity for any situation. I personally think the MPA Gold would be a great pair with your mic. I also suggest you look into the Audio Technica line of mics. Also the MPA Gold looks really cool in your rack ^_^

Check out the MPA Gold here:
NoTurning wrote on 5/28/2009, 8:05 AM
Oh yeah... that's a great mic for acoustic guitar. Probable just as great for a baritone voice too - should crispin up a deep voice nicely; especially with the bass roll-off.

I still think the ART MP is a good choice for you (unless you need A/D conversion) and use your mic to roll off the bass. Then overdub your vocals and you'll have some great voice recordings!

Article on overdubbing vocals here: