All i can hear is popping sounds..... legotiger99 wrote on 11/14/2015, 8:20 PM Hey guys, All i can hear is a loud POP noise in my video. It doesn't happen at the start but then it starts later. It is very annoying and makes the program impossible to use. Please help. Thanks! Using Magix Movie Edit Pro 2015 on windows 10 Back to post
Comments johnebaker wrote on 11/15/2015, 5:03 AM Hi More information and a sample of the 'popping' is needed: Video format and source. GSpot or MediaInfo video and audio analysis results of the video showing the popping ? Does the popping occur in the video if played with Windows Media Player or VLC? Effects applied to the video ( if any)? A sample of the video uploading to somewhere like Dropbox so we can test it - do not use Youtube / Vimeo etc the video must not be converted. John EB 1