after importing a soundpool, nothing changed in mm14

rocket777 wrote on 12/20/2008, 12:06 AM
another update:

I had to go back to a system restore prior to doing this because it wouldn't load these into the song writer. By going back in time, and immediately copying the new folder into the right place, then doing the database reset, it now appears to work fully.

Its a good thing I'm running this inside a vmware virtual machine, the number of times I had to snapshot and go back is rediculous. I notice that the database reset is new to the lastest version compared to the dvd. They must know about problems in this area.

Let's hope the soundpools I ordered on hard media will also install this way.

old message:

UPDATE!!!! Success!

It seems that when I installed the program, I put the media files on my second hard drive, NOT on the C: drive where the program lives.

To correct this, I moved (the unzipped folder) to the folder where the other soundpools were, and then reset the database (in the options at General->soundpool there's a button for resetting). As soon as I clicked on soundpool again, it then rebuilt the database and included the new folder.

Probably should of just installed it here to begin with and it would have worked.

I have mm14, and I bought/dloaded a soundpool. It came in a zip file. I unzipped it, to a directory inside the magix download directory. I then located it using soundpools, import, and it seemed to accept it, except nothing happened. No new style showed up.

I exited and then restarted the program, and it said it was updating the database, saying this only was needed once. This took about a minute. When done, still nothing appears in soundpools list.

Any ideas?